Monday, September 03, 2007

I simply cannot understand this Website? Canyonland Flyers LLC

Ok, so I'm about to do my "website of the day" and I find a new trike website that has very professional graphics, a logical layout, detailed information, and all the elements of a "winner!"

So, as I'm browsing the site, looking for some form of contact info... ANY form of contact info... I find the STRANGEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN ONLINE! A complete and total OXYMORON. The site has the following on their "Contact" page (click below to enlarge):

"Currently we are not taking any requests from the web. Thank you."

In other words... thanks for visiting this really great website, with tons of great info on how we can help you to train, visit us, sightsee, give us your money, etc.... but "oh, by the way" PLEASE DON'T CONTACT US IN ANY WAY!


Can someone please contact ME to explain what is going on here because this is so absurd that it is making my head hurt! Who is running Canyonland Flyers and "why" are they missing the boat in such an obvious way here?

Thank you for your patience... my rant is over now ;)

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